Think One Appraisal Is Enough? Think Again!

While your jewelry likely has a special place in your heart, emotional attachment alone is often not enough. There are many situations where you will need to have a definite, appraised cash value for your jewelry. This may be the case if you are attempting to sell your jewelry, but it is also true if you are planning on insuring it. You may also have jewelry with uncertain origins, such as family heirlooms that have been passed down from generation to generation. [Read More]

Diamonds: Mining, Colors, and Other Questions

You may be wearing one on your finger, in your ears, or even around your neck right now, but how much do you really know about that diamond that you love so much? If you are like a lot of people, you admire diamonds but you do not know a lot about them. There is a lot to get to know about this fascinating, eye-catching gemstone. Take a look at some of the more commonly asked questions people tend to have about diamonds. [Read More]

How Much Should You Spend On Engagement Jewelry?

Your engagement day may be the happiest time in your life. Knowing that you're going to spend the rest of your life with the person you cherish the most is an amazing thing. However, beyond the fanfare of such events, there's also the inescapable reality that engagements cost a lot of money. The ring, in particular, is likely to cost a significant amount of money. Due to the high cost associated with buying engagement jewelry, it's important to ask just how much you should spend on a ring or any other jewelry for such an occasion. [Read More]

Two Tips For Saving Money When Buying Diamonds

Many people love the look of diamonds but don't like the price tag that comes along with them. While it is certainly true that diamonds are very valuable, that doesn't mean you have to take out a second mortgage on your home to get one you like. Here are a couple of tips for saving money when buying diamonds for rings or other jewelry. Don't Confuse Size with Weight One common reason why people end up spending more than they should on diamonds is that they think a diamond's carat size describes how large or small it is. [Read More]